Continuing the Fun Online
26th December 2020
2020 was a bit of a washout for Scouting with everyone getting their heads around all the changes and challenges that the Covid19 pandemic has thrown at us. We are however keen to restore scouting to our young people in 2021.
The year will start with a weekly online Zoom meeting with all sections meeting together. We have seen some very successful evenings using both a combination of leaders input alongside outside providers whom are helping to provide exciting things for the young people to join in with.
We then would hope to return to face to face Scouting when possible.
Please help us to make the evenings successful and encourage your young person to join us. We may have a few teething problems on the first couple of meetings as we are all learning Zoom and I expect the young people will be more conversant with it than us - which means they will be great at helping us to make it work for everyone.