Rare Breeds Centre- County Activity Day
Rare Breeds Centre- County Activity Day photo gallery
What shall we do first?

Ready to enjoy the day!

And it was THIS big!!!

Looking into the Pig Pen - Sow with her piglets inside

The Sow with her piglets

Hello Goat!

Stroking a Rabbit!

Hello Bunny!

Hello goat fancy some straw?

The Cockeral was very silky to touch - See even the scout has a soft touch!!

On the Animal Quiz Trail!

We found a badger set!

In the Mysterious Marsh...

The Ghost Run??? Beavers not scared!!

Beavers definitely not scared!!

Beaver or Monkey??

A fine balancing act

Anyone can have a go!

The explorers!

Geronimo here I come! Zipwire fun!

The 'Rabbit' Warren - or should it be 'Beaver' Warren?

The very friendly butterfly

The Tractor Trailer Ride

So where is he taking us then?