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Halstead Scouts

Rare Breeds Centre- County Activity Day

Rare Breeds Centre- County Activity Day photo gallery

What shall we do first?
What shall we do first?
Ready to enjoy the day!
Ready to enjoy the day!
And it was THIS big!!!
And it was THIS big!!!
Looking into the Pig Pen - Sow with her piglets inside
Looking into the Pig Pen - Sow with her piglets inside
The Sow with her piglets
The Sow with her piglets
Hello Goat!
Hello Goat!
Stroking a Rabbit!
Stroking a Rabbit!
Hello Bunny!
Hello Bunny!
Hello goat fancy some straw?
Hello goat fancy some straw?
The Cockeral was very silky to touch - See even the scout has a soft touch!!
The Cockeral was very silky to touch - See even the scout has a soft touch!!
On the Animal Quiz Trail!
On the Animal Quiz Trail!
We found a badger set!
We found a badger set!
In the Mysterious Marsh...
In the Mysterious Marsh...
The Ghost Run??? Beavers not scared!!
The Ghost Run??? Beavers not scared!!
Beavers definitely not scared!!
Beavers definitely not scared!!
Beaver or Monkey??
Beaver or Monkey??
A fine balancing act
A fine balancing act
Anyone can have a go!
Anyone can have a go!
The explorers!
The explorers!
Geronimo here I come! Zipwire fun!
Geronimo here I come! Zipwire fun!
The 'Rabbit' Warren - or should it be 'Beaver' Warren?
The 'Rabbit' Warren - or should it be 'Beaver' Warren?
The very friendly butterfly
The very friendly butterfly
The Tractor Trailer Ride
The Tractor Trailer Ride
So where is he taking us then?
So where is he taking us then?

The blog

Continuing the Fun Online
26th December 2020

Random photos

Making Helicopters
